Ode to Chaos

Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
Mommies are tired,
Daddies are too

Babies are noisy
And stinky, And sweet.
And nothing smells worse
than a 12 year old’s feet.

Each day is a scurry
Each night is a flash
Each risk is a worry,
Each shout is a dash.

But in spite of the spinning,
chaos is peace,
tangle is whimsy
and pressure? Release.

For the years are so fleeting
Though the days seem to stall.
Quiet moments repeating,
from momentous to small.

So love on your lover,
Shine praise on your child
And thank God for your crazy,
your messy, your wild.

For joy can be hidden,
in the loudest of place.
And God’s love shines brightest
in the smallest of face.

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